In November 2023, the Amsterdam Symphonic Band will play the project concert ‘Klankkleur’. During this concert we will pay attention to what makes a concert band so special: a richer variation of timbre than most other ensembles!

During this project we will play a marimba concertino by Creston, seen as one of the first solo works for this instrument, and the ‘Fantasy Variations on a Theme by Niccolo Paganini’ by James Barnes. By honoring the variety of colors in the orchestra with these works, we think we can give a very special concert.

The SHA gives other musicians the opportunity to play with us. From September 2023, project participants can participate in our rehearsals. SHA rehearsals are on Thursday evenings from 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM in the Huis van de Wijk at Waterlandplein 302 in Amsterdam-Noord. On October 15 and November 12, we organize study days in Oostzaan with the project orchestra. The closing concert will take place on Sunday 26 November in the Dominicuskerk in Amsterdam. To participate, a project participant pays €50.

Do you want to register immediately? Then follow this link to our application form. The SHA has its own basic instrumentation of members and will eventually register as many project places as possible.